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10 Reasons why live events rock hard

Tina Dimitrijevic August 20, 2021

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10 Reasons why live events rock hard

The past year has been challenging for several industries, however, the events industry clearly suffered the most. Events were immediately shut down all over the world and many companies resorted to virtual shows. SiGMA spearheaded the virtual event world through our virtual roadshows which targeted a different region every month – covering the whole globe. Although we managed to make the best out of virtual events, nothing can replace the buzz of a physical-live event! There are so many advantages a live event has, and after such a tough year due to the pandemic, we want to remind everyone about the benefits of a real-life event.

10. Nothing Beats Face-to-Face

Nothing really beats speaking in person to new and familiar faces. Face-to-face communication is vital to networking and building connections since there will definitely be a stronger connection. It definitely enhances relationships as it also helps individuals build trust and loyalty with each other. Obviously, many of us have been deprived of this benefit due to the ongoing pandemic that affected the way we communicate but make no mistake, when everything goes back to normal – people will be itching to take advantage of face-to-face communication to build those long term relationships.

Face-to-face SiGMA 2019

To break it down for you, the main benefits people can obtain from face-to-face meetings are:

Building those strong relationships

Enhances loyalty and trust

Increase in productivity

Clear communication related to goals & strategy

Easier to focus and be engagedIf you’re craving that face-to-face communication right now, then check out our upcoming events this year, including several iGatherings and the mother of all conferences happening this November!

9. Networking

Networking is an essential skill for any business person. Building your network boost your career success by making the right connections, staying on top of industry trends & the “know-how” of the job market. Networking opens new avenues, both personally & professionally, and there is no better place to network than at a live event. Networking virtually also works but the buzz of a live show hits completely different & makes networking that bit easier due to the advantages we spoke about in the face-to-face section.

So how can you be effective at networking at a live event, for example at SiGMA Europe:

Look for the right people in the right job

Be easygoing & proactive

Keep tabs on your networking channel

Continuously look for networking events – do not stay idle

8. Interactive Means Fun

Since physical events give you that face-to-face benefits, they are just way more interactive. SiGMA’s events include thought provoking conferences which give people the chance to interact with experts in specific fields, be it in tech, gaming and regulation. Furthermore, most live events include an expo floor which give people the chance to learn more about companies that they are interested in. This enhances the attendee experience as they will feel more involved in the event, immersing themselves in the whole event experience.

The main benefits of an interactive live event:

Create lasting memories

Influence people’s perception

Increase in engagement

7. Ambience is Unbeatable

Creating the right atmosphere is always essential to the success of an event. For example, the one thing virtual events lack over physical events is specifically this. The atmosphere that a live event creates is second to none. Creating the right ambience can boost your brand image as it will get attendees excited about your brand & ensure that they will have a great experience throughout the event, something that is difficult to replicate via a virtual event.

How to get the perfect ambience?

Choose the right location

Greet delegates at entrance

Make sure lighting and sound is perfect

Food & beverages must be available

Set requirements for rooms – ensure that these requirements are met

Thank your delegates at the end of the event

SiGMA 2019

6. Immersive Experience

By creating an immersive experience, delegates will be way more engaged at your event. They will be able to connect with your brand on a completely different level, which in turn increases brand credibility and brand value. At live events, creating an immersive experience is easy – just think out of the box and be different from everyone else. Our live events are constantly looking at new ways to create an immersive experience, going as far as bringing a talking robot to our event!

Sophia the robot

Here are a few of our tips to create the perfect immersive experience:

Know what you want to achieve – Education? Entertainment? Brand awareness?

Create content surrounded by the experience

Ensure that the experience engages all the senses

Personalise the experience

Ensure delegate interaction

5. Special Themes Make It Special

You can easily create a special theme to go with your event, maybe even several different themes. These are important since it will set you apart from competition. Themes must reflect the objectives of the company & incorporate them into the event – it will also give the delegates an idea of what to expect. Special themes can act as a catalyst for success as it creates a buzz & helps speakers to understand their audience, which will increase engagement between the crowd & speakers.

Keep in mind that live events have been away for quite some time, so people will be expecting to be entertained and their expectations will be high!

4. In-Person Learning

Through conferences & an immersive experience, delegates will be able to take advantage of in-person learning at events. It provides a hands-on experience, which allows for greater interaction between delegates and speakers. The connection between professionals in real-time is priceless and in-person training really does enhance these relationships.

SiGMA focuses on in-person learning at our live events through engaging workshops that bring industry experts from all over the world to pass on their knowledge to hundreds of people. Our workshops are limited in space as we want to give you the full in-person learning experience!

Conference SiGMA 2019

3. Bigger Audiences Guaranteed

This one is quite self-explanatory. The majority of live, physical events are more likely to pull a bigger audience when compared to a virtual show. The feeling of seeing a massive audience at an event creates an adrenaline rush that can not be replaced – don’t believe us? Come to SiGMA Europe to see what we’re on about!

Having said that, just because the audience is big does not mean that the audience is right. It is essential that you target the relevant people to create the right audience. Having the wrong people at your event will hinder the success of your event overall.

2. More Content, More Value

Live events can give your team content for days! One can start producing content promoting the show from way before, including the speakers, location & “what to expect” section in the article. Content is vital to the promotion of your event while it also manages to keep the momentum going for months on end. Make sure to get a mix of photo, video & written content out there and push it through social media, media partners & email campaigns to maximise it’s potential.

Here are some examples of content that can be used:


Behind the scenes

Video interviews

Creation of infographics for delegates


1. Sales Opportunities are Maximised?

The benefits of live events are endless but at the end of the day, business people want to make money. Through networking, in-person learning & face-to-face meetings, its natural that sales opportunities increase & that’s the pull of live events. Quite a few business deals happen at live events since relationships and trust are being built as the event goes on. Therefore, live events are the perfect setting to initiate a potential sales deal or even close one too!

Join our next iGathering:

The next SiGMA iGathering networking event will be held in Riga. The dinner, which is planned for the 26th of August, at 19:00, is set to take place at the stunning Royal Casino. The evening will also welcome guests from neighbouring countries Estonia and Lithuania, tapping into a wide network of the region’s top industry thinkers.

For more information on the event please contact Emily on [email protected] or visit our website to find out more about upcoming iGathering events on the SiGMA calendar.

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